Meet Veronica
This Lifter for Life post will introduce you to Veronica who has kindly agreed to share her story. Veronica will explain what motivated her to start lifting weights, what benefits she’s noticed and what her goals are going forwards.
When and Why did you Start Lifting Weights?
I am Veronica and started on my lifting journey just before the first lockdown at the age of 69.
Why? Several reasons I suppose.
Firstly, I had been suffering with right shoulder pain on and off for quite a few months which I put down to a repetitive strain through playing tennis.
Then plantar fasciitis hit me. So the combined pain from the shoulder and foot made me feel really decrepit.
With some nagging from my daughter I signed up to a small local gym.

During lock down I started off with weights made up of baked bean tins in a long tube. Then progressed to weights my daughter lent me until the gyms were allowed to open.
I now go twice a week and thoroughly enjoy the challenge (mostly ).

What Benefits Have You Noticed?
I have found that both my physical and mental state has altered for the better. I am definitely more positive in attitude.
Now I feel physically stronger and all my aches have disappeared.
What are Your Goals?
My long term goal is to stay as physically fit and active as possible so that I can carry on enjoying my sporting interests. My short term goal is to master a wall walk.
I will get there!
What Advice Would You Have for Anyone Who is Thinking of Starting Strength Training?
If like me people are complete novices, choosing the right gym is paramount. Get advice and try out different venues. They are not all the same and the saying “you get what you pay for” is very true.
Do you want to start feeling stronger?
If Veronica has inspired you to start strength training then click below to access some free resources to help get you started.